InSUBordination Blog Logo: The insubordinate dog

InSUBordination - Wag the dog

Sometimes you might have the feeling that your boss, your government or anybody else is just wrong. To make sure you are right you reflect the pros and cons of a problem. After careful consideration you might have the right or even duty to disobey his decisions. This behaviour would be in accordance with Immanuel Kants demand of "leaving a man's self-caused immaturity." Btw.: Don't take this stuff too serious. It's what I write when I'm pissed.

Friday, December 10, 2004


Insubordination implies the qualitiy of failure or refusal to recognize or submit to the authority of a superior. It is not insubordination if you refuse to obey even a direct order if it was ilegal or discriminating(see also Wikipedia entry for more information on the definition of Insubordination)

Insubordination on the job for example occurs when an employee refuses a reasonable order from a supervisor or manager. However, a company may be held responsible for a failure in communication that results in insubordination. If the following three elements exist, an employee may be disciplined for insubordination if he/she fails to follow orders: 1) the employee understood the instructions; 2) the order was in line with the employee's duties; and 3) there was no good reason for the employee to refuse the order.
Sometimes you might have the feeling that your boss, your government or anybody else is just wrong. To make sure you are right you reflect the pros and cons of a problem. After careful consideration you might have the right or even duty to disobey his decisions. This behaviour would be in accordance with Immanuel Kants demand of "leaving a man's self-caused immaturity."

Here I'll post my perception of any controversial topic which comes to my mind that prompts for critical evaluation.

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Sometimes you just have to disobey


Anonymous generic cialis said...

Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple

5:36 AM


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