InSUBordination Blog Logo: The insubordinate dog

InSUBordination - Wag the dog

Sometimes you might have the feeling that your boss, your government or anybody else is just wrong. To make sure you are right you reflect the pros and cons of a problem. After careful consideration you might have the right or even duty to disobey his decisions. This behaviour would be in accordance with Immanuel Kants demand of "leaving a man's self-caused immaturity." Btw.: Don't take this stuff too serious. It's what I write when I'm pissed.

Friday, December 24, 2004

The egomaniac control freek boss

The control freak boss has to hold control on everything. Without beeing able to control everything he will feel helpless. The most disturbing point is, that he is trying to control you all the time. This will cage your mind. You won't be able to be creative any more because if you start to be creative you make the impression you might be able to be independent. Making the impression of independence will give the egomaniac control freek the feeling of loosing control. The egomaniac control freek hates that feeling of loosing control and not beeing superior. To avoid loosing control he will start to turn you down. He will turn down everything you do, even if you did a perfect job. That way he will hinder you from developing yourself. Stagnation will be the result. It will be hard to continue developping because you will lack the poitive reinforcement. This means, you will not be receiving rewards for your good work. You will recive punishment. Only if you do what he tells you will be rewarded. That way you will never be able to develop youself and you will never recognize your abilities.


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