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InSUBordination - Wag the dog

Sometimes you might have the feeling that your boss, your government or anybody else is just wrong. To make sure you are right you reflect the pros and cons of a problem. After careful consideration you might have the right or even duty to disobey his decisions. This behaviour would be in accordance with Immanuel Kants demand of "leaving a man's self-caused immaturity." Btw.: Don't take this stuff too serious. It's what I write when I'm pissed.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The "Leecher"

Leecher bosses will feed on you. They leech the last bit of power out of you, you get nothing in return and after you are exhausted you will be replaced. As hard as it sounds.

It is a trend that workers or employees are not classified as humans any more. Management considers them to be goods. Why's that, you might ask. Well, Employees are usually referred to as human resourcess or human capital. See, I feel very uncomfortable when refering to humans as resources. For me resources are treasures of the soil, forestss or water and may be animals if you which - but not humans.
What you usually do with resources is to exploit them, make money with it and if they are exploited you move on. If bosses and managers refer to humans as resources this denotes their relationship to their employees. Those bosses are arrogant, emotionally disturbed egomaniacs which don't care for their employees.
What you get if you exploit human resourceses is labour like you get milk from cows. Thus, employees are labour animals. Would a cow get the money its milk is worth? No, of course not. A farmer would try to spent as little money as possible to support his animals and would try to sell their products as expensive as possiblele. This means cheap food and small smelly stables for the cows and good food and a nichousees for the farmer. (o.k. in reality the big reseller gets all the cheese... anyway). As there are cows producing a lot of milk and not so much milk at the same cost which is needed to feed them a farmer tries to get rid of the low productive cows. Though as a cow is usually very expensive a farmer can't exchange his animals that easily.
In the mind of these arrogant egomanicac bosses today, human beings are only resources. Employees are worth less to leecher bosses like those cows. Employees are more or less productive which means they are more or less interesting to make profit with. The only difference is that an employee is usually not an investment in which the boss has to stay engaged in. An employee can be hired and fired at will of the boss. He just want to leech the profit out of the employee and then fire him. Does he want to invest in the employee?? Nooo. He wants highly educated and highly productive employees for free.
Well, therefore it makes life easier for the bosses. He thinks of employees not as humans but as resourcerce that has to be exploited maximizeise his profits. For the boss an employee is not even like farmland where you have to take care of the quality of the soil which you have to fertilitze. Like a plague of lucusts they feed on the resources as long as its profitable, then they move on leaving nothing but desert behind. They don't seed they don't fertilize in other words they don't invest. If the employee is exhausted, you just exchange him.
The leecher boss doesn't care for the needs of a human beings. That's why bosses are usually egomaniacs. For an egomaniac, other people are worth nothing anyway. Employees are just like cows except boss doesen't has to invest money in them, its enough to exploit them, as long as its profitable or till they are exhausted and then replace them.
If you have a leecher boss the only way to survive is to think the same way he does. Don't ask what you can do for your boss, ask what your boss can do for you. Always try to do as much as you can which is of benefit for you. Try to get as much money as you can get. Continue your education and try to let the company pay for it. Try to get as much money mony from him as you can. In conclusion, know what you are worth and sell yourself as expensive as possible and exploit your boss as much as you can. Build a strong network whith other coworkers and potential employers. You have no choice than that because you can't change the rules of the game, your not the boss.
But be warned, too many leechers are destructive to a community. I like to use the analogy to a peer to peer network. It works best if everyone uploads as much as he can. Though a peer to peer network can stand some leechers it breakts down if there are too many. That's why successful bosses are not neccesarily good for a society scince they might be leechers. As bathetic as this might sound to you:" give and you shalt recieve" says basically the same. But I want to amend that those who don't give shalt recieve nothing!!!!! That's fair.


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