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InSUBordination - Wag the dog

Sometimes you might have the feeling that your boss, your government or anybody else is just wrong. To make sure you are right you reflect the pros and cons of a problem. After careful consideration you might have the right or even duty to disobey his decisions. This behaviour would be in accordance with Immanuel Kants demand of "leaving a man's self-caused immaturity." Btw.: Don't take this stuff too serious. It's what I write when I'm pissed.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Fire your boss!

Iwant to help people to identify bad bosses and mechanisms that might be dangerous for them at their place. Sure, my advice is only based on my personal opinion and my personal experiance, though I hope they can be helpful for someone else to make up his mind.

I'm not saying that all bosses are bad and i'm not saying you should never negociate or comply to the orders of your boss. The only thing I say is to recognize that there are some bad bosses out there who just don't care for you and to defend yourself from beeing harmed by these guys.

If a boss Is going to harm you because of incopentence or ignorance than I would propose that its the right of each individual to stand up and fight. In my opinion its not sufficient to do a good job to make a career anyways. In my opinion smart networking is more important than doing a good job or obey to orders. Doing a good job will not help you if you want to make a career if your boss is an egomaniac.

Recently a read an article at A list Apart about Starting a Business: Advice from the Trenches. What I had to think about most was that he suggested to work at company before starting your own business because:

When working at a company, you see how established businesses function: how workflow is managed, how clients are dealt with, how managers treat workers, and the absolutely critical nature of deadlines, no matter how tight. These are invaluable lessons that school does not teach.

Yet, what happens if you work at a place where your boss is a liar, which doesen't know the slightest thing about management, doesen't care about workflow, doesen't care about workers and ignors deadlines. Woulden't you agree with me that you are not tought these invaluable lessons so that you can't develop yourself. If you can't learn these or other important lessons because of the ignorance or incompetance of your boss than this will be potentially harmful for your career. In this example you wouldn't get the important information to start-up your own business. If this would be your goal you would only loose time, and none of us is getting younger.

I think in such a case it would be best to search for a new job as soon as possible


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