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InSUBordination - Wag the dog

Sometimes you might have the feeling that your boss, your government or anybody else is just wrong. To make sure you are right you reflect the pros and cons of a problem. After careful consideration you might have the right or even duty to disobey his decisions. This behaviour would be in accordance with Immanuel Kants demand of "leaving a man's self-caused immaturity." Btw.: Don't take this stuff too serious. It's what I write when I'm pissed.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

You made up your mind. So you think you're right .... ?

Well it is kind of amazing that people can think that they are right and that they are perfectly sure about this. But they are wrong. They are not lying at you or something, they just don't understand it any better. These people are fooled by there own mind. This is an interesting article which lists some reasons how this can happen.

Actually this is no new knowledge. Greek philosophy though us that the only thing tat we can be sure about is our own mind. But unfortunately our mind is not foolproof. It's only the assesment ot the reality. There is no no garantee that this assessment is right. Think of the movie matrix. In the matrix all humans were perfectly conviced that they live in the real world but they were teribly wrong.

We have to be aware that we are all prone to this vulnerability to some degree although you might try your best to do the right thing. However, conciousnes about how we are fooled by our mind and how or mind can be manipulated will decrease the risk of beeing fooled or manipuladted and actually increase chances of making the right decisions. Therfore i thinke this article migth be worth reading.

We should keep in mind that trying your best to find the trouth is essential for our democracy and our freedom. Although you might think your contribution is small its still essential since we can be almost certain that if all people make an informed decision on average this decision will be the best possible assesment of a problem, despite the fact that the individual perception might be wrong. Yes, believe me, this is how statistics works and thats the power of democracy and elections.

Any attempt to manipulate the collective mind linke propaganda, missinformation or spreading of biased or missinterpreted information is therfore a direct attack on our democracy.

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Blogger Unknown said...

yes, i agree with you.thanks for share with us in this useful and informative post...get ordained online

11:48 PM


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